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Real professionals don’t work by “rough” estimates they have to be able to rely on the precision of their measuring equipment CALIBRATION SERVICE PROVIDER Our partner laboratory calibrates in accordance with the recognised DAkkS DKD guidelines which fulfil all the requirements of EU regulations It offers reliability thanks to a quality management system that is under continuous external review Calibration orders with up to 50 test devices can be carried out for you within five working days laboratory days by arrangement with our direct delivery service CALIBRATION SERVICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DAKKS WITH HIGHEST ACCURACY DAkkS calibrations formerly DKD are the highest standards below national measurement standards Measurement uncertainties are calculated precisely and assigned to each measurement result DAkkS calibration certificates are nationally and internationally recognised documents Traceability is to national and international standards Onsite calibrations are also possible on request Our partner calibrates your measuring equipment in accordance with DIN EN ISO IEC 17025 2018 with free collection fast processing accurate logging and even secure express delivery on request CALIBRATION RESHARPENING AND COATING SERVICE RESHARPENING AND COATING SERVICE It doesn’t always have to be brand new With our resharpening and coating service we breathe new life into your old drills milling cutters saw blades etc and give them back their POWER TO PRODUCE SERVICE 18